What We Do


DR&M Associates also develops structures, processes and procedures of marketing and sales in order to maximize revenues and market share.

On Strategy Focus, we operate in three areas of development: sales strategies, sales structure and sales planning. Our work consists of drafting the guidance, focus and scope of business processes. Defining the profile, functions and size of your sales team and standards of performance is also a major part of our analysis. All this converges into the development of appropriate sales methods to achieve the desired goals and to help you keep your business in the right direction.

On Tactical Focus there also three main areas of development:

1) Techniques, business processes and procedures for the team, manager and sales channel.

2) Sales communication, sales speech and standardization of the sales messages.

3) Sales infrastructure and software to map the process of purchasing decision. Sale leads generation, tactical sales training and tactical sales planning.

Sales Lead Qualification intends to increase the efficiency of the sales process through a powerful planning, which includes strategies for each potential client and the organization of sales activities for each salesperson or sales team. To achieve this target, we select and identify the market to be researched. After that, we collect data and generate files for each contact, in order to begin the phase of market prospect. This information is forwarded to your sales team, which will have the market knowledge necessary to define the strategies to be developed and implemented.